Our Delicious Skillet Pigs in a Blanket with Pizza Dough

Pigs in a blanket are always popular at any party, but pigs in pizza dough? Now that is an idea! This recipe will show you how to make pigs in a blanket with pizza dough for your next party. The best part about this recipe is that it requires very few ingredients and preparation time. These pigs in blankets are […]

10 Fun Hot Dog Recipes

Summer means picnics, cook outs and pool parties! Hot dogs seem to be a natural part of that, at least in our family. Here is a quick roundup of 10 fun hot dog recipes: 10 Fun Hot Dog Recipes Summer means picnics, cook outs and pool parties! Hot dogs seem to be a natural part of that, at least in […]

How to Make Easy Beanie Weenies From Scratch

This is a simple childhood favorite that is great for those camping adventures or when you wish you were out camping: Classic Beanie Weenies. If you’re looking for something a little heartier than baked beans this is an easy fix! Often served at potlucks or church picnics, Beanie Weenies, also called Franks ‘n Beans, is a dish that can be […]