Puppy Party Finale

Puppy Party Finale

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Today, we went to the Humane Society and took the bounty from Sarah’s Puppy Party. I must admit, I was kind of surprised at the total lack of “hoopla” that they provided to Sarah…the never even told her “thank you”, they simply said “put the stuff over there and we need her address”.

Puppy Party Finale

They NEVER even talked to Sarah! They didn’t take a picture or anything!

I think that either we got a crappy volunteer or they are simply just missing the boat on positive reinforcement with the kiddos – these are the people that will grow up and have discretionary funds to donate…why not take this chance to create an imprint?

SO, *WE* made a big deal out of it for her! We took her around to see the animals, looked at the names on the different tiles and bricks, and took a few pictures. When we were leaving, I got down and gave her a huge hug and told her how proud of her I was – that all those kitties and puppies now have some neat treats and toys until they get a new family.

SO – congrats to Ms Sarah – my little hero! You can see her here with Andy, most of the loot was already on the carts, but we filled one of the pet beds with toys and treats. It was easier to hold than bags of cat food, etc. LOL!

1 thought on “Puppy Party Finale

    • Good for you and Andy and shame on them for not making Sarah feel good about what she did. I think it is VERY important that we all do our part to reinforce the positives the youngin’s do, not to ignore them. That would make her want to do this again, and maybe even TOP it next time. Yay Sarah!

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