Where to Get Coupons
Sunday Newspaper Inserts
- Ask neighbors, friends, co-workers, family for their inserts
- Hit the coffee shops and breakfast places on a Sunday morning
Trade coupons with friends, what you won’t use for what they won’t use
Pick up coupons at the store
- Blinkie machines
- Tear Pads
- Wine bottle “hang tags”
- — please, no “peelies”
- ***do NOT take more than just a few
- ***do NOT do this at Woodman’s – it’s in their policy that they consider it theft!
- ***DO check the liquor department for higher value meat and produce coupons!
Gas Stations/convience Stores often have tear pads with candy/soda offers
Print Coupons out online
–Always hit your back button 3 times and print a second copy
–You can find safe links to print HERE
Suck Up Letters
This is where you write the companies and tell them how much you like their products. At least 75% of the time you get a coupon for a FREE or HIGH Value from them for that minute or two of your time.
Facebook and Twitter
Follow your favorite companies and watch for special offers that you can instantly print
Buy Them
- Use a clipping service (more info coming)
- Find them on Ebay