How to Make Our Easy and Thin Breakfast Crepes

Do you love crepes but don’t have time to stand over a stove and make them one by one? Do you hate the thick, heavy crepes that are often served in restaurants? If so, this recipe is for you! These thin breakfast crepes take just minutes to prepare and cook. So give them a try – we promise you won’t […]

Tupperware Bread Recipe: Super Easy to Make

Tupperware bread, also known as Tupperware “Burp” Bread is beyond easy to make. In my twenty-year career as a plastic pusher, this has to be the recipe I use the most, to this day. It is perfect for those without bread machines and also a great way to help kids learn how to enjoy the satisfaction of making something in […]

LeftOver recipes vs PlanOvers – it is how you sell it.

Do you know how many people have no idea what a planover is? It really surprised me! They are familiar with leftover recipes though. There is one subtle difference between the two. I have a few friends whose families will not eat leftovers. What a shame!!!One of the things I had learned in my years of foodservice was the creative […]

How to Make Easy Beanie Weenies From Scratch

This is a simple childhood favorite that is great for those camping adventures or when you wish you were out camping: Classic Beanie Weenies. If you’re looking for something a little heartier than baked beans this is an easy fix! Often served at potlucks or church picnics, Beanie Weenies, also called Franks ‘n Beans, is a dish that can be […]

Homemade Buckeye Bars: Delicious, Easy and Crunchy

If you’re looking for a delicious, easy, and crunchy treat this holiday season, then look no further than homemade buckeye bars. Buckeye Bars are a delicious, easy, and crunchy dessert that people of all ages enjoy. Buckeyes have been around for a long time, but they didn’t get their name until the 1930s when some were made with peanut butter […]

Puppy Party Finale

Today, we went to the Humane Society and took the bounty from Sarah’s Puppy Party. I must admit, I was kind of surprised at the total lack of “hoopla” that they provided to Sarah…the never even told her “thank you”, they simply said “put the stuff over there and we need her address”. They NEVER even talked to Sarah! They […]